
Version 2.33 (2014-03-19)

Added truncation so that overlong docket descriptions do not break docket_parser()

Changed the default folder for parsed docket sheets from \processed_dockets\ to \parsed_dockets\ to eliminate confusion

Added csv headers to output files.

Began address bug #7

Version 2.32, 2.31 (2014-02-26)

Fixed three bugs in reader.docket_parser().parse_data, reader.docket_parser.extract_download_meta() and reader.docket_parser.extract_case_meta() by implementing html5lib as an alternative processor and adding some string handling for quotation marks.

Fixed bug in reader.docket_processor.search_text() that would convert strings into single-item lists.

Version 2.3, 2.2, 2.1 (2014-02-18)

Made a bunch of mistakes, fixed them (mostly of the packaging variety) but burned through Versions 2.1 and 2.2.

Changed the name of submodule pacer_lib.parser to pacer_lib.reader because of potential confusion.

Implemented overwrite protection and suffixing for docket_processor.write_all_matches()

Implemented overwrite protection for docket_processor.write_individual_matches()

Cleaned up the documentation.

Version 2.0 (2014-02-17)

Added parser sub-module, which includes the objects docket_parser() and docket_processor(), which brings scraping and docket parsing functionality to

document_sorter() outlined in parser sub-module but not yet implemented.

Improved documentation, including the use of docstrings, Sphinx and hosting documentation on

Kevin Jiang added as maintainer.

Version 1.0 (2014-01-08)

Added scraper sub-module, which includes the object search_agent() that interfaces with the PACER Case Locator and allows the downloading of both dockets and documents.

Added the functions disaggregate_docket_number() and gen_case_query, which handle specific query-creation issues in our PACER requests.

pacer_scraper_library Version 1.0a (2013-03-01)
Original library; function based. For legacy users, you can access the undocumented and unsupported pacer_scraper_library here.